05/05/2011: WBNS-CBO (CBS)
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... we're coming to you from the greenhouse today. we're talking annuals. those are flowers that will come up just one season this summer. jerry you've got your favorites here. i kind of prefer some of these plants. we have lots of them...some cool ones...a variety. this biggest thing this year has been the black petunia. all the magazines. there's a black...and a black and yellow. we have a couple of coleus here...these are shade. there's also sun coleus...they get huge. this one is called palm coleus...it is as big as my hand. this is lantana. the reason i want to show you this is we've had a lot of drought. the reason people like this is we don't have to water it much. great plant for a drought area. been a real problem this spring, right. just kidding! sweet potato vine...comes in a lot of different colors. yellows and stripes and all duifferent kinds. this one here is called fiber optic grass.. that's a daisy. an annual...it blooms like crazy all the time. this one gets about 12 inches by 12 inches.... this is black and blue salvia...not very big right now, but it is one of my favorites. humming birds love it. it gets about 3 feet tall. then we have bridal and dragon wing bagonia, which is probably the best plants - my favorites - to come out of all time. basically do we have the all clear to plant...mother's day on we're good to go. usually about time to do that. for jerry dill, im chris bradley we are in ...